What does it really cost to raise kids?

A 2018 study by the Australian Institute of Family Studies looked at the weekly cost of raising a six-year-old and a 10-year old. They found that it cost unemployed families $140 per-week, per-child, and $170 a week …

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Economic Update and Market Commentary

Risk assets including equities and credit continued to power ahead in April. Locally, the share market and the Australian dollar were supported by rising commodity prices. Investors continued to monitor Covid cases and the pace …

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Good news – Super contribution caps to rise

On 1 July 2021, both the concessional and non-concessional superannuation contribution limits, also known as ‘super contribution caps’, will rise. This is good news because this is the first time these limits have changed since …

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Saving for your child’s future

As every parent knows (even before they become one), raising a child isn’t cheap. And those expenses don’t necessarily stop once they reach 18. Parents often hope to help their adult children with significant financial …

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Your investment options and strategy

Building your wealth for the long term starts with a sound investment strategy. But with so many options outside your superannuation fund – from bonds to managed funds – where might you begin? Almost every …

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2021-22 Federal Budget: What it means for You

As the COVID economic landscape continues to take shape, Australian Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has handed down the 2021-22 Federal Budget. Among the proposed changes, he announced continuing tax relief for lower earners, help for …

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What you can claim when working from home

Setting up a home office? Here’s how to create a comfortable workspace, while offsetting the extra costs of working remotely. If you’re among those who’s decided to say ‘so-long’ to the office, you’ve probably also …

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How to save for retirement in your 60s

Your 60s are the time in which you’re most likely to retire – according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, of the Aussies who are planning their retirement, the average age they intend to retire …

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How to recover from a financial setback

Financial setbacks can appear in our lives when we least expect it. Paying back a loan like a mortgage or settling debt can be overwhelming to deal with. As individuals, we must take control and …

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Find your perfect savings account

Looking for a good savings account can sometimes be a little like looking for a good partner – the honeymoon period might be important, but so is achieving your happily ever after. While different features will …

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Five Financial habits to start in 2021

Like any habit, our financial behaviours are formed by doing the same actions repeatedly until they’re second nature. That’s great if you’ve got into the routine of saving regularly – but not so good if …

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Redefine your work life

Most of us want to put 2020 firmly behind us. But there were some silver linings from this tumultuous year. One positive was the chance to work from home. Australians whose jobs allowed them to …

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Show your finances some self-love

Are you guilty of changing your spending habits when you’re in a relationship? Do you have a financial plan, or are you relying on a partner to take care of you in retirement? Whatever your …

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Budgeting tips for students

Surviving on a student budget isn’t easy, but don’t worry, it can be done. Whether you’re studying remotely this year, or returning to campus, we have some great tips to help you manage your finances. …

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Economic Update

Introduction Volatility associated with November’s US election should finally be over, enabling investors to refocus on economic prospects and the outlook for corporate profitability and central bank policy. Joe Biden was sworn in as the …

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What is risk appetite?

For some people, risk means excitement and opportunity. For others, it invokes feelings of fear and discomfort. We all experience a degree of risk in our everyday lives – whether it’s simply walking down the …

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Understanding account-based pensions

Once you decide to retire you can access your super as a lump sum or start an account-based pension (also known as an income stream) or do a combination of both. The benefit of starting …

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The A-Z of Inheritance

Inheritance is an emotional subject on every level. The people leaving an inheritance generally do it with pride and love. The people receiving an inheritance often receive it with gratitude – and sorrow. But while …

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