Money worries and your mental health

It’s been a trying time for many people, with our collective mental health taking a toll as the COVID-19 pandemic rolls on. The Melbourne Institute says one-in-three Australians are now reporting financial stress, while one-in-five …

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Economic update and market commentary

The Covid situation took a turn for the worse, as spiralling infections saw new lockdowns introduced in Australia. The government has suggested all restrictions can be lifted once 70% of the adult population has been …

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The future of international travel

In 2020, the ease in which we travelled overseas changed abruptly. And in the years to come, vaccinations, travel bubbles and testing are likely to become as routine as packing your passport and booking a …

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Smart strategies for paying down debt

Being in debt can really wear you down, both financially and emotionally. Whether it’s a single large credit card balance or multiple loans, store and credit cards owing, getting clear of your debts is going …

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How to invest for your children’s future

Every parent wants to give their child the best start in life, even if that sometimes means footing the bill well into adulthood. Fortunately, with good financial planning, you can set your kids up for …

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Housing Market: Bubble or Balloon?

As one of Australia’s favourite assets, residential property is no stranger to news of a market bubble. Property works a little differently – making the cycle of house price rises less of a bubble and …

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Four ways to save for a rainy day

Having access to savings can be vital when an emergency strikes. But making the most of your savings by earning interest can also help you get ahead financially. If you’re trying to get a good …

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