How to get Aged Care at Home

Older people who are struggling to live at home and take care of themselves often face a dilemma. Many don’t want to move into aged care accommodation, but they recognise the gardening, cleaning, cooking or …

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Many Aussies in the dark about retirement

There’s always been a lot of unknowns when it comes to retirement but throw a global pandemic into the mix, and we’re feeling more uncertainty than ever before. Things we once thought of as quite …

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Nine keys to successful investing

Introduction As an investor it’s very easy to get thrown off by the ever-present worry list surrounding investment markets that relates to economic activity, profits, interest rates, politics, and so on. This has been magnified …

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Responsible and ethical investing

If you’d like your money to make a difference to the world as well as to your future, ethical investing may be for you. Almost nine in 10 (89 per cent) Australians would prefer to …

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A Joe Biden Presidency

Implications for Investors and Australia Key points: The US election has been close and final counting as well as legal challenges could still upset the result, but the now highly likely outcome is a Biden …

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A guide to active and passive investing

Investment funds can be broadly split into two categories – active and passive. And while both options play a part in an investment portfolio, it’s important to understand how each works before allocating money to …

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Who inherits your super?

There are only certain people who can inherit your super when you die. There are also two different types of nominations you can make. Here’s what you need to know before making your super beneficiary …

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Geopolitical risks for the economy and investments

The world has always been challenged by the dynamics of geopolitics. The nature and magnitude of associated conflicts may transition and manifest across varying contexts but, broadly speaking, geopolitical risk is ever present. The fierce …

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Economic Update

Market and Economic overview Australia The coronavirus ‘curve’ of known cases has flattened out, suggesting social distancing measures have been successful in slowing the spread of the disease. The focus is now on a gradual …

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Market Insight – Staying the Course

While it can be hard to stay in the market when share prices plummet, now is not the time to panic. The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has triggered a share market crash, in Australia and internationally. …

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Federal Government stimulus package

What it means for individuals, retirees and the Australian economy Here we explain some of the benefits you may be eligible for. With the COVID-19 coronavirus crippling the Australian economy and affecting livelihoods, the Australian …

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The Coronavirus and its impact on markets

The Coronavirus and its impact on markets The Coronavirus is slowly jumping international borders after its initial spread in China, and markets have not been immune to its impact. Coronaviruses are a large family of …

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