How old is too old for insurance?

Protecting your income during your working years makes sense. But once you – or your parents – grow older, is life insurance still important? We take a look. Life insurance for later in life As …

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How do Aussie women’s finances stack up?

Planning for retirement is a daunting task and many Australian women lack confidence in financial decision making. Fortunately, there are some small steps women can take today to make a positive difference to their future. …

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Get 2024/25 off to a great start

The beginning of the financial year is a great opportunity to review your financial situation, to make sure you’re on track and on top of changes happening across tax and superannuation. Here are five areas …

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Contributions, when are they made?

Thanks to the evolving rules and additional tests, the world of superannuation contributions continues to be a source of confusion, resulting in misunderstandings and genuine errors. Whether it’s the work test, work test exemption, downsizer …

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Mortgage versus super – a common dilemma

Conventional wisdom used to dictate Australians were better paying off their home loans, and then, once debt free turning their attention to building up their super. But with interest rates ramping up over the past …

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Is it worth salary sacrificing into super?

Let’s explore the ins and outs of salary sacrificing into your super and help you determine if it’s worth considering as part of your financial strategy. We’re all familiar with the concept of super. It’s …

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How to determine asset allocation

Asset allocation is the process of dividing funds between different asset classes including cash, bonds, property and shares. This takes place as spreading resources across different asset classes can help diversify the portfolio’s holdings, which …

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Economic and market overview

Australian shares fared well in July, buoyed by suggestions that no further interest rate hikes will be necessary. With inflation coming off the boil, there was optimism that borrowing costs have peaked and could be …

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A guide to active and passive investing

Investment funds can be broadly split into two categories – active and passive. And while both options play a part in an investment portfolio, it’s important to understand how each works before allocating money to …

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Tax time checklist for property investors

In Australia, investing in real estate isn’t the preserve of a wealthy elite. The nation’s 2.24 million property investors, owning a collective 3.25 million homes1, are everyday Australians – skilled tradies, small business owners and …

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How to protect yourself from super scams

Super and investment scams target your personal wealth by convincing you to invest in fake schemes and companies. A super scam is when someone tries to access your super and withdraw your money. An investment …

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7 ways to get ready for tax time

Here’s a quick checklist to help you prepare for the end of financial year and maximise your tax time benefits. Understand your sources of income When it comes to tax, your wages are just the …

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How women can future proof their wealth

Planning for retirement is a daunting task but it’s too important not to think about – especially for women. Fortunately, there are some small steps women can take today to protect and grow their finances …

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6 things to consider before investing

Investing your money may be an effective way to help you build long-term wealth. While it can seem overwhelming at times, given the breadth of options available, you don’t need to be a financial expert …

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Federal Budget

How could the proposals impact you and your finances? May 2024 The 2024 Federal Budget provides cost of living relief through 1 July tax cuts, lower power bills, higher welfare payments and support for small …

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